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EQ-i 2.0 & EQ 360 2.0 Emotional Intelligence Coaching 

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish the ability to: perceive oneself, express oneself, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information effectively and meaningfully.
The concept of emotional intelligence has added a new depth to the understanding of human intelligence; it has enhanced the ability to assess one's overall or global intelligence. Emotional intelligence is tactical (immediate functioning), while cognitive intelligence is strategic (long-term capacity). Emotional intelligence helps predict success because it reflects how a person applies their knowledge to the immediate situation. In a way, measuring emotional intelligence is measuring one's "common sense" and ability to navigate the world.


Is there a reliable and valid model for measuring emotional intelligence in Algeria?

EQ-i 2.0  is a comprehensive and valid assessment tool that, in conjunction with other sources of information, provides a rich foundation for personal and professional development, skills modeling, and performance analysis.

The EQ-i 2.0 emotional intelligence model consists of fifteen factors distributed across five operating categories. These skills, which constitute the building blocks of abilities such as communication, resilience, and time management, can theoretically and empirically be mapped to professional skills, productivity, providing insights, and a better understanding of how outcomes affect an individual's workplace performance (e.g., conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision-making, etc.) with personalized strategies based on individual results.


EQ 360 2.0 , 360-degree assessment (also known as multi-rater feedback or multi-source feedback) is a performance evaluation method that provides an individual with the opportunity to receive feedback from colleagues (e.g., supervisor, colleagues, peers, direct reports).
The primary goal of a 360-degree assessment is to give an individual a more comprehensive understanding of their work from multiple perspectives.
Where can it be used?
In a career development context, EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0 can be used with current staff to assess ongoing functioning and well-being, especially when this functioning is linked to organizational competency frameworks or other performance measures that indicate success within a given organization.

What do EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0 measure?
EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0 measure a set of emotional and social skills that influence how we:
1. Perceive and express ourselves.
2. Develop and maintain social relationships.
3. Cope with challenges.
4. Use emotional information effectively and meaningfully.


Where can it be used?
In a career development context, EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0 can be used with current staff to assess ongoing functioning and well-being, especially when this functioning is linked to organizational competency frameworks or other performance measures that indicate success within a given organization.

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